We are always happy to work with businesses that share our core values. We believe in treating our horses and clients with the utmost respect, providing the highest quality services, husbandry and care possible at realistic prices. We will always go above and beyond to ensure our horses are content and our clients are happy. Please do get in touch if you would like to sponsor or collabarate with us and you feel your business shares our values.


Easypack Haylage and Bedding

We are very proud to be sponsered by Easy Pack Haylage and Bedding. The team at Easy Pack really understand the amount
ofcare, attention, time, effort, sweat and tears equestrians put into looking after their equine friends. They put just as much
effort, care and attenion into producing their products. Easy Pack produce and supply exceptionally high quality meadow, rye and timothy haylage grown from carefully selected grasses. As well as premium (chopped oil seed rape straw), chopped straw, miscanthus and straw pellet bedding. All environmentally friendly and sustainable as well as being dust extracted. They also create products for smaller furry friends.